About the Project:
The overal aim of the project is spreading knowledge about the RFCDC through digital tools as a privileged didactic channel in the pandemic.
This project will be implemeted in the time period March 5th – November 20th 2021.
It combines two fundamental issues of present Italian society: a scarce implementation of the RFCDC, due to the lack of an Italian version of important European documents, and a controversial use of digital tools in education in the Italian context.
This project deals with the two topics: Citizenship Education, specifically the RFCDC, and digitalization. It aims at doing so by providing concrete materials and a training course for Italian teachers.
We expect that this project will improve teachers’ knowledge of the RFCDC and spread its use in didactic activities, as well as develop reflective attitudes and empower teachers with reflective tools aimed at personal growth and better understanding of democratic competences for an inclusive school.
This intervention will have an impact both on teachers’ practice thanks to the training course and provided materials, and on educational policies thanks to the collaboration with the competent territorial offices (U.S.R Toscana, the regional representative office of MIUR, the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research).
The expected key outputs are:
- Translation from English into Italian of the document “Developing Competences for Democratic Culture in the digital era Strategy Paper” (Council of Europe, October 2017)
- Translation from English into Italian of RFCDC Volume 2
- SWOT Analysis
- Knowledge survey
- Materials (readings, slides, reflective activities) created and elaborated for the online training course
- Article (written both in Italian and English) about the project
All the materials produced along the project will stay available on the Nuova Associazione Culturale Ulisse website for at least 5 years.